Native Ag Media Education Webinar Series
September 2023
The communications teams from IAC, IFAI, and NAAF have combined efforts to lead this two-part webinar series focused on educating media professionals on the history and best practices for covering Native Agriculture in the media.
Indian Agriculture 101
Discussing Native Ag Production and Tribal Food Sovereignty Past, Present, and Future
Telling the Story of Tribal Agriculture
Building Relationships in Indian Country & Best Practices
Building Native Agriculture
Sowing the Seeds of Growth with Capacity Building
This comprehensive report showcases the concepts behind the webinar series Building Native Agriculture, “Sowing the seeds of growth with capacity building in Native agriculture.” This series assists tribes and tribal organizations in building robust economies in agriculture through a step-by-step process of how to create a sustainable food system.
Reimagining Hunger Responses in Times of Crisis
Learn more about findings and recommendations from a survey which illuminates the challenges of food security in Indian Country during COVID-19 and the Tribally-driven solutions needed to address those challenges head on.
Inflation, food at home, and selling to the usda
This Quarterly Ag Report focuses on Inflation, Food at Home, and Selling to the USDA.
Utilizing SPINS market research, the team at NAAF will provide market data for free with each report equaling a $500 value.
Building Native Agriculture
Webinar Series
This webinar series “Sowing the Seeds of Growth through Capacity Building” focuses on how foodways, cultures, and needs tie into the different building blocks for Indigenous agriculture systems. This series, hosted by the Native American Agriculture Fund, supports Tribes and Tribal organizations as they work to build their own robust economies in agriculture. Watch our video series on YouTube.

Watch Past Webinars
Building Native Agriculture
Standing Up Infrastructure
Are you interested in building or enhancing infrastructure in your tribal community? Learn more from this episode of Building Native Agriculture.
Funding Opportunities and Writing a Grant
There are several funding opportunities available for your agriculture operation. Learn more about how to find, schedule, and write grant proposals.
Strategic Planning and Feasability
In this episode learn how foodways, cultures, and needs tie into business plans – the foundation for Indigenous agriculture systems.
Labor and Training Opportunities
Are you wanting to know more about how to find labor and support for your agriculture operation? Watch this episode to learn more about training and data resources, and training development and funding availability.
Hazard Analysis Critical control point (Haccp) and food safety plans
Do you have questions on how to develop a food safety plan for your processing plant? Learn more from our guest speaker on the seven principles of HACCP and additional resources Native producers have available to them.
Using Tribal product in retail and Vertical Integration
Have you been considering what it takes to put Tribal produced products on the market? Learn more about the different skills you need to build your distribution processes.
How tribal Foods tie into feeding programs
Do you want Native foods to be a part of federal feeding programs? Learn how to support Native communities in this episode of Building Native Agriculture.
Agriculture policy
Are you wanting more Native led initiatives in policies governing agriculture? Learn more about agriculture policy and the efforts going into the 2023 Farm Bill.