2019 Grantees

After a competitive review process, the following organizations were awarded grants during the 2019 Request for Applications cycle. Grants began on January 1, 2020 and will last for a period of 12-months, 18-months, or 24-months depending on the project.
While NAAF cannot make grants to individuals, these organizations are primed to work with individual Native farmers, ranchers, fishers, harvesters and community producers to deliver business assistance, agricultural education, technical support and advocacy services. NAAF encourages you to visit their website and reach out to them directly to learn more about their Native producer services.
Any questions about these 2019 Grantees can be sent to [email protected] or shared by phone at 479-445-6226.
1. Akiptan
Akiptan, a national Native-led CDFI, seeks to” innovate and change the paradigm of investments in Indian Country Agriculture and Food Systems” by working together with Native farmers and ranchers. With NAAF funding, Akiptan will provide loans, capital, and comprehensive technical assistance and financial training for 10 producers.
Resources from Akiptan:
- Loan and Investment Resources – https://www.akiptan.org/resources
- Outside Resources – https://www.akiptan.org/resources
News Items:
- Success Stories – https://www.akiptan.org/blog/categories/success-stories
- Akiptan Blog – https://www.akiptan.org/blog/categories/akiptan-blog
2. Alaska Village Initiatives
Alaska Village Initiatives (AVI), host of the agricultural outreach platform www.agalaska.net, has been providing services to Alaska Native producers and small businesses for over 50 years. With NAAF funding, AVI will explore the potential for industrial hemp production in logistically isolated locations in rural Alaska.
Resources from Alaska Village Initiatives:
- Online Courses – https://agalaska.net/online-courses/
- Funding Opportunities – https://agalaska.net/funding/
- Agriculture – https://agalaska.net/agriculture-2/
3. American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association
American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association (AIANTA) is the only national organization representing, supporting and expanding tribal tourism in the U.S. With NAAF funding, AIANTA will develop resources for individual Native producers and Tribes interested in agritourism, promote existing efforts and provide training at the annual American Indian Tourism Conference.
Resources from American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association:
- Agritourism Resource Page https://www.aianta.org/agritourism-resource-page/
- Technical Assistance and Training https://www.aianta.org/education-training/
- AIANTA Reports and Publications https://www.aianta.org/aianta-reports-publications/
- Funding for Cultural Tourism https://www.aianta.org/resource-library/funding-for-cultural-tourism/
- Agritourism Archives https://www.aianta.org/category/blog/agritourism/
4. American Indian College Fund
American Indian College Fund (AICF) invests in Native students and tribal college education to transform lives and communities. With NAAF funding, AICF will build on their existing scholarship and mentoring support for Native students in farming and ranching by providing stipends for place-based, agriculture-focused career experiences.
Resources from American Indian College Fund:
- Additional Scholarships – https://collegefund.org/students/additional-scholarships/
News Items:
- American Indian College Fund Scholar Highlights Food Insecurity… – https://collegefund.org/blog/american-indian-college-fund-scholar-highlights-food-insecurity-among-college-students-while-providing-greater-access-for-snap-recipients/
- Scholarly Emergence for Environmental Design and Stewardship – https://collegefund.org/programs/environmental-sustainability-programs/scholarly-emergence-for-environmental-design-and-stewardship-seeds/
Social Media:
5. American Indian Graduate Center
American Indian Graduate Center (AIGC) provides financial support for American Indians and Alaska Natives seeking higher education. With NAAF funding, AIGC will provide scholarships through the Wilson Hooper Veterinary Medicine Assistance Program and host two “Know Before U Go” workshops for Native high school students interested in agricultural degrees.
Resources from American Indian Graduate Center:
- Student Resources- https://www.aigcs.org/students/
- Wilson-Hooper Veterinary Medicine Assistance Program https://www.aigcs.org/news/wilson-hooper-veterinary-medicine-assistance-program/
6. American Indian Higher Education Consortium
The American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) is the collective spirit and unifying voice of the nation’s Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs). Thirty-five of the 37 TCUs are land-grant institutions. With NAAF funding, AIHEC is sponsoring TCUs in delivering technical assistance to Native agricultural producers through trained AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers.
Resources from American Indian Higher Education Consortium:
- AIHEC Tribal Vista Project https://www.vista.aihec.org/join-our-team
- Land and Place http://www.aihec.org/our-stories/landPlace.htm
- Student Success http://www.aihec.org/our-stories/studentSuccess.htm
7. Arapaho Ranch Field Station
The Arapaho Ranch Field Station promotes ranching sustainability on the Wind River Reservation through place-based education and environmental mitigation projects. With NAAF funding, the Field Station will make capital improvements to structures on the land to support their value-added agritourism plans and bring more youth into the ranching tradition.
Resources from Arapaho Ranch Field Station:
a. Rodeo Links – http://www.arapahoranch.com/ResourcesAll.aspx
News Items:
a. Sales – http://www.arapahoranch.com/Sales.aspx
8. Blackfeet Tribe Agriculture Resource Management Plan
The Blackfeet Tribe’s Agriculture Resource Management Plan (ARMP) team guides implementation of long-term planning efforts for agricultural and natural resources within the Blackfeet Nation. With NAAF funding, Blackfeet ARMP will finalize planning efforts for a local multi-species processing plant, customize food and agriculture codes, and engage youth in agriculture.
9. Board of Regents, University of Nevada, Reno
The University of Nevada Reno (UNR) provides practical agricultural education for citizens through cooperative extension programs. With NAAF funding, UNR will coordinate advanced agricultural business training for Native producers, sponsor scholarships and mentoring for students pursuing degrees in agriculture, and support youth participation in agricultural camps.
Resources from Board of Regents, University of Nevada, Reno:
- Business Management and Economic Development https://extension.unr.edu/business-management-economics.aspx
- Research and Demonstration Gardens https://extension.unr.edu/county-gardens.aspx
- Events and Online Courses https://extension.unr.edu/events.aspx
10. California Indian Museum and Cultural Center
California Indian Museum and Cultural Center (CIMCC) and their Tribal Youth Ambassadors revitalize traditional food systems in Northern California through the social enterprise ‘Acorn Bites’. With NAAF funding, CIMCC will train gatherers to steward, collect and process acorns, and sponsor youth to attend food conferences to strengthen business development knowledge.
11. Cankdeska Cikana Community College
Cankdeska Cikana Community College (CCCC), located in the Spirit Lake Nation, supports Tribal agricultural production through tilling agricultural land and distributing seeds. With NAAF funding, CCCC will irrigate their community garden, cultivate an additional field for traditional corn and increase engagement with Head Start students.
Resources from Cankdeska Cikana Community College:
- Land Grant https://www.littlehoop.edu/land_grant.html
- Natural Resource Management Program https://www.littlehoop.edu/natural_resources.html
- Research https://www.littlehoop.edu/research.html
- Cankdeska Cikana Community College Awarded Ag Grant https://tribalcollegejournal.org/cankdeska-cikana-community-college-awarded-ag-grant/
- Restoring Food Sovereignty on the Spirit Lake Reservation https://civileats.com/2020/03/10/restoring-food-sovereignty-on-the-spirit-lake-reservation/
12. Center for Rural Affairs
Center for Rural Affairs (CFRA) supports beginning farmers and small business owners from diverse rural populations and provides specialized outreach for the Omaha and Santee Reservations. With NAAF funding, CFRA will encourage Native youth to consider agricultural careers through school gardening, exchange programs, and classroom training.
Resources from Center for Rural Affairs:
a. Young and New Farmers https://www.cfra.org/farm-and-food
b. Pay-check protection for rural businesses https://www.cfra.org/publications/LifelineForRuralBusiness
News about Center for Rural Affairs:
a. Media Releases https://www.cfra.org/news_media/releases
c. Gardening on the Omaha Reservation https://www.cfra.org/news/200422/staff-spotlight-suzi-helps-gardeners-plant-seeds-success-omaha-reservation
13. Cherokee Nation Foundation
Cherokee Nation Foundation’s mission is to “provide educational opportunities to Cherokee students so they can reach their full potential.” With NAAF funding, the Cherokee Nation Foundation will sponsor academic scholarships for twenty-five Cherokee Nation students pursuing agricultural degrees at accredited institutions.
14. Cheyenne River Youth Project
Cheyenne River Youth Project (CRYP) has delivered agricultural and food systems-based education to Lakota youth through the Winyan Toka Win (Leading Lady) Garden since 1999. With NAAF funding, CRYP will engage two hundred elementary students in gardening and provide hands-on food sovereignty and social enterprise internships for Native teens.
Resources from Cheyenne River Youth Project:
- Native Food Sovereignty https://lakotayouth.org/programs/native-food-sovereignty/
- Winyan Toka Win Garden https://lakotayouth.org/programs/native-food-sovereignty/winyan-toka-win-garden/
- Outdoor Classroom https://lakotayouth.org/programs/native-food-sovereignty/outdoor-classroom/
- Workshops and Classes https://lakotayouth.org/programs/native-food-sovereignty/workshops-classes/
- Internship Program https://lakotayouth.org/programs/cokata-wiconi/internships/
Gardening Advice from Indigenous Food Growers https://www.yesmagazine.org/environment/2020/05/20/garden-advice-indigenous-food-growers/
15. Chippewa Cree Tribe
Chippewa Cree Tribe supports tribal farmers and ranchers through outreach, agricultural education and business assistance. With NAAF funding, Chippewa Cree Tribe will create a tribal regulatory and licensing framework for hemp production and determine the feasibility of industrial hemp processing on Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation.
16. College of Menominee Nation
College of Menominee Nation (CMN) has worked in food systems sustainability for over 15 years, focusing on connections between Menominee and their lands. With NAAF funding, CMN will gather input on and provide scholarships for their new sustainable agriculture degree, conduct a hemp feasibility study, and introduce students to aquaponics.
Resources from College of Menominee Nation:
- Community Resources http://www.menominee.edu/Com_Ser.aspx?id=535
- Research Blogs, Videos, and Additional Resources http://sustainabledevelopmentinstitute.org/agriculture-videos-and-more/
- Practice http://sustainabledevelopmentinstitute.org/practice/
- Food Sovereignty http://www.menominee.edu/food.aspx?id=1853
17. Cowlitz Indian Tribe
Cowlitz Indian Tribe utilizes a community garden to bolster traditional agricultural knowledge and increase access to fresh produce and traditional foods. With NAAF funding, Cowlitz Indian Tribe will provide stipends to four youth food sovereignty summer interns, and host youth-focused activities at the garden with partner, Healing of the Canoe.
NOTE: Given pandemic social distancing measures, Cowlitz Indian Tribe has amended their project to include start-up costs and virtual assistance for Native youth beginning at-home gardens.
News about Cowlitz Indian Tribe:
a. Salmon Restoration Efforts https://tdn.com/news/photos-cowlitz-indian-tribe-leads-salmon-restoration-project-along-abernathy/collection_c58da0c0-6aad-5d75-8dbc-9c619f7903f8.html#1
18. Diné College
Diné College works with local producers to bridge the intergenerational gap in agricultural lifeways. With NAAF funding, Diné College will expand Diné Bichiyaa Summit programming, sponsor youth participation in agricultural camps and award scholarships for their agriculture degree program.
Resources from Dine College:
- Agriculture Program https://www.dinecollege.edu/about_dc/agriculture/
- Land Grant Office https://www.dinecollege.edu/about_dc/land-grant-office-lgo/
- Youth Development https://www.dinecollege.edu/about_dc/youth-development/
19. Diné Community Development Corporation
Diné Community Development Corporation (DCDC) provides leadership, program and resource development to enhance rural communities on the Navajo Nation. With NAAF funding, DCDC will support at least fifty Navajo farmers and ranchers with financial and technical assistance and host agricultural workshops for producers and tribal leaders.
20. Dream of Wild Health
Dream of Wild Health (DWH) restores health and well-being in the Native community by recovering knowledge of and providing access to indigenous foods, medicines and lifeways. With NAAF funding, DWH will expand training capacity by adding staff, purchasing farmland and establishing a year-round youth leader program for Twin Cities residents.
Resources from Dream of Wild Health:
a. Youth Programs https://dreamofwildhealth.org/programs/youth-programs
News about Dream of Wild Health:
a. Blog https://gardenwarriorsgoodseeds.com/2015/01/05/dream-of-wild-health-hugo-mn/
b. Farm Expansion https://www.presspubs.com/citizen/news/dream-of-wild-health-triples-acreage-as-need-for-food-grows/article_f03ae9f4-9083-11ea-a093-6747b772a8ab.html
c. Growing Healthy http://e.startribune.com/Olive/ODN/StarTribune/shared/ShowArticle.aspx?doc=MST%2F2020%2F05%2F16&entity=Ar03301&sk=D5AF8B27&mode=text
d. Farm triples in size https://www.twincities.com/2020/05/09/nonprofit-hugo-farm-run-by-american-indians-triples-in-size/
21. First Nations Oweesta
First Nations Oweesta has been providing loan capital and capacity building to Native CDFIs for twenty years. With NAAF funding, Oweesta will develop the ability of practitioners to deliver training, support and lending products to Native farmers and ranchers, and increase capital access through agricultural lending to Native CDFIs.
Resources from First Nations Oweesta:
- Publications and Webinars – https://www.oweesta.org/native-cdfi-resources
22. Flower Hill Institute
Flower Hill Institute is a native-owned, community-driven nonprofit supporting strong, stable tribal communities. With NAAF funding, Flower Hill will develop the Indigenous Farmer and Rancher Association to serve Native producers by creating opportunities for the revitalization of traditional practices in concert with scientific knowledge, peer networking and young farmer mentorship.
NOTE: Read here about Flower Hill Institute’s adaptation of their outreach during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Resources from Flower Hill:
a. Start-up Gardening https://flowerhill.institute/agriculture
b. Cultivating and Preparing Traditional Foods https://flowerhill.institute/new-page
News about Flower Hill:
a. Flower Hill Youth program https://www.krqe.com/news/albuquerque-metro/jemez-pueblo-getting-national-attention-for-take-on-stem-education/
23. Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa has been providing agricultural outreach and education programs for their community through the Bimaaji’idiwin Program since 1995. With NAAF funding, Fond du Lac will develop an Agriculture Resource Management Plan (ARMP) through a community-led strategic visioning process.
Visit their Facebook page here.
24. Four Bands Community Fund
Four Bands Community Fund has a long history of helping Native entrepreneurs, including farmers and ranchers, start and grow businesses. With NAAF funding, Four Bands will offer loan capital, equity bundles, and customized assistance to Native producers, and pilot a two-generation integrated entrepreneurial and asset-building program to promote sustainable transition.
Resources from Four Bands Community Fund:
- Business Loans – https://fourbands.org/programs/for-entrepreneurs/business-loans
- Training and Coaching – https://fourbands.org/programs/for-entrepreneurs/training-coaching
News Items:
- Four Bands to Participate in USDA Pilot – https://fourbands.org/four-bands-to-participate-in-usda-pilot-program-to-increase-homeownership-opportunities/
- USDA Rural Development meets with Four – https://fourbands.org/four-bands-to-participate-in-usda-pilot-program-to-increase-homeownership-opportunities/
25. Healthy Futures
Healthy Futures partners with community-based organizations to provide agricultural education, business management and technical assistance on the Navajo Reservation. With NAAF funding, Healthy Futures will develop an extensive curriculum of agricultural workshops targeting twenty-`five Diné farmers and 165 Diné families residing near the Torreon and Ojo Encino chapter houses.
Resources from Healthy Futures:
a. Organic Farm Training Resources – http://www.healthyfuturesnm.org/p/resources.html
b. Current Programs – http://www.healthyfuturesnm.org/p/our-partners.html
26. HoChunk Community Capital
HoChunk Community Capital (HCCC), a Native CDFI serving the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska, supports tribal food sovereignty initiatives. With NAAF funding, HCCC will start the HoChunk Harvest Native Business incubator project, recruiting thirty Native agriculture and food entrepreneurs to launch their businesses with start-up capital and mentoring.
27. Indian Land Tenure Foundation
Indian Land Tenure Foundation (ILTF) is a national, community-based organization serving American Indian nations and people in the recovery and control of their rightful homelands. With NAAF funding, ILTF will lead development of the National Tribal Land Agriculture Database, enabling quantification and assessment of alienated agricultural land on Native economies.
Resources from Indian Land Tenure Foundation:
- Grants – https://iltf.org/grants/
- Publications – https://iltf.org/resources/publications
- Other Resources –https://iltf.org/resources/other-resources/
News Items:
- News and Events – https://iltf.org/resources/news-events/
28. Indian Nations Conservation Alliance
Indian Nations Conservation Alliance (INCA) helps Tribes, Tribal Conservation Districts and Native producers care for the land. With NAAF funding, INCA will tackle barriers restricting Native participation in NRCS programs, work to restore irrigated lands to production, provide agricultural credit training, and support the development of Agriculture Resource Management Plans.
Resources from Indian Nations Conservation Alliance:
- Tribal Conservation Districts Interactive Map https://inca-tcd.org/tcd/
- About Tribal Conservation Districts https://inca-tcd.org/about-tcds/
29. Inter-Tribal Buffalo Council
Inter-Tribal Buffalo Council (ITBC) has been supporting Native farmers and ranchers by restoring buffalo to tribal lands for nearly 30 years. With NAAF funding, ITBC will develop long-term tools and trainings designed to help Tribal buffalo producers capture value-added agriculture opportunities to produce revenue streams for continued herd growth.
30. Intertribal Agriculture Council
Intertribal Agriculture Council (IAC) has served Native farmers and ranchers for over 30 years through regionalized technical assistance and policy advocacy. With NAAF funding, IAC will build on their American Indian Foods program by formalizing a domestic market access process to connect Native producers with business opportunities.
Resources from Intertribal Agriculture Council:
- American Indian Foods Website http://www.indianagfoods.org/
- Export Program http://www.indianagfoods.org/exportprogram
- Export Resources http://www.indianagfoods.org/export-resources
- Producer Directory http://www.indianagfoods.org/producers
- Native Food Connection http://www.indianagfoods.org/nativefoodconnection
- American Indian Trademark http://www.indianagfoods.org/american-indian-trademark
31. Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC) promotes treaty rights fishing, gardening and harvesting of traditional foods in the Lake Superior region. With NAAF funding, KBIC will establish an integrated community food sovereignty system by constructing a food safety certified fish processing facility and using fish by-products to expand organic vegetable production.
32. Klamath Trinity Resource Conservation District
Klamath Trinity Resource Conservation District (KTRCD) seeks to maintain traditional ecological knowledge for the next generations of Native people. With NAAF funding, KTRCD will host workshops for at least 160 participants on proper techniques of gathering and preserving local traditional foods obtained through hunting, fishing and harvesting.
NOTE: Read here about Klamath Trinity Resource Conservation District’s adaptation of their outreach during the COVID-19 pandemic.
33. Lake Superior Community Development Corp
Lake Superior Community Development Corp (LSCDC) extends credit and financial literacy training to Native people, including farmers and ranchers, throughout Michigan. With NAAF funding, LSCDC will deploy loan capital to meet demonstrated agricultural lending needs and provide business training and tax preparation for Native producers.
34. Lakota Funds
Lakota Funds, a Native CDFI serving the Oglala Lakota Tribe on Pine Ridge Reservation, has supported Native farmers and ranchers through business lending, coaching and training since 1986. With NAAF funding, Lakota Funds will provide comprehensive financial support for large-scale, full-time ranching operations and develop a youth livestock lending program.
Resources from Lakota Funds:
- Business Loans – https://lakotafunds.org/business-loans/
- Business Education Sources – https://lakotafunds.org/learningcenter/
- Newsroom – https://lakotafunds.org/newsroom/
Social Media:
35. Lower Sioux Indian Community
Lower Sioux Indian Community, located in the heart of Minnesota’s row crop farmland, is working to generate agricultural interest and economic development among their tribal population. With NAAF funding, Lower Sioux will conduct an industrial hemp production feasibility study to evaluate potential for a processing facility and hempcrete operation.
36. Lummi CDFI
Lummi CDFI offers a trusted place for tribal members considering entrepreneurship, building a business and/or strengthening their credit by providing access to education, financing and asset growth. With NAAF funding, Lummi CDFI will offer technical assistance and financial tools specifically to Native fishers, divers and harvesters of seafood products.
37. Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation
Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation (MPTN) sponsors the Sugar Shack, a maple syrup production drawing from their traditional food ways and providing economic development. With NAAF funding, MPTN will launch an e-commerce website, expand distribution to tribally owned enterprises, invest in maple syrup marketing materials and increase youth engagement.
News Items:
a. Native American Magazine – https://www.nativebusinessmag.com/a-mashantucket-pequot-revives-a-maple-syrup-enterprise/
Visit their Facebook page here.
38. Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe (MWT) has a long legacy of harvesting traditional shellfish and promoting food sovereignty. With NAAF funding, MWT will employ a full-time farmer to expand production on Maushop Farm, partner with local education organizations for business training and invite youth to participate in their agricultural heritage.
39. Modoc Nation
The Modoc Nation has provided Native bison ranchers with hands-on job training, agricultural education and technical assistance over the past 20 years. With NAAF funding, the Tribe will teach cultivation of fish and plants in controlled environment agriculture, work to reclaim traditional food knowledge and conduct a hemp production analysis.
40. Murray State College
Murray State College (MSC) – located in the heart of the Chickasaw Nation – is a two-year college providing a wide variety of degree programs to southeastern Oklahoma students. With NAAF funding, MSC will launch a new course on agricultural financial literacy and provide scholarships to Native students in agriculture degree programs.
Resources from Murray State College:
- Agriculture Department https://www.mscok.edu/academics/departments/agriculture
- Scholarships https://www.mscok.edu/future-students/financial-aid-scholarships/scholarships
Facebook Page:
Twitter Account:
- Murray State College receives grant from Native American Agriculture Fund https://www.mscok.edu/news/murray-state-college-receives-grant-from-native-american-agriculture-fund
41. Mvskoke Loan Fund
Mvskoke Loan Fund (MLF), a Native CDFI, provides access to credit through lending capital to Native producers in the Muscogee (Creek) Nation’s territory. With NAAF funding, MLF will increase lending to farms, ranches and agribusinesses while hosting a number of technical assistance sessions centered on business planning.
42. Northeastern State University
Northeastern State University’s (NSU) Center for Tribal Affairs has a unique history of providing cultural programming within the higher education setting. With NAAF funding, NSU will pilot two workshops and an intensive residential seminar to provide training in restorative agriculture through permaculture design, emphasizing traditional and indigenous practices.
Resources from Northeastern State University:
- Center for Tribal Studies shttps://offices.nsuok.edu/centerfortribalstudies
- American Indian Scholarships https://offices.nsuok.edu/centerfortribalstudies/Scholarships
- Resources https://offices.nsuok.edu/centerfortribalstudies/Resources
- Internships https://offices.nsuok.edu/centerfortribalstudies/Internships
Facebook Page:
- CTS FB page: https://www.facebook.com/NSUtribalstudies/
- Annual Symposium on the American Indian FB page: https://www.facebook.com/NSUSymposium/
Twitter Account:
- CTS Twitter: https://twitter.com/tribalstudies
43. Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB) has a long history of working collaboratively with the forty-three Northwest Tribes, especially on projects and initiatives directly involving Native farmers and ranchers. With NAAF funding, NPAIHB will focus on increasing organizational capacity and providing agricultural education and business assistance to Native producers.
NOTE: NOTE: Read here about Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board’s adaptation of their outreach during the COVID-19 pandemic.
44. Numu Allottee Association
Numu Allottee Association (NAA) is a Native nonprofit providing advocacy training and economic empowerment to allottees of public domain allotments. With NAAF funding, NAAF will initiate the Three Sisters Project to accelerate change toward healthier lifestyles through seasonal food gathering, indigenous language revival and supplemental food access for youth.
45. Ohe.Laku - Among the Cornstalks
Ohe.laku is a membership organization preserving culture by growing ancestral seeds such as corn, beans and squash through traditional methods. With NAAF funding, Ohe.laku will introduce youth from the Oneida, WI area to the annual growing cycle of white corn and give them a greater appreciation for traditional foods.
46. Oklahoma State University Foundation
Oklahoma State University (OSU) has the distinction of graduating more Native students than any other land grant university in the nation. With NAAF funding, OSU Foundation will incentivize Native agricultural students to expand their knowledge of commodity futures markets, financial futures, and options markets through targeted scholarships.
47. Oregon State University
Oregon State University (OSU) Extension Service has worked hand-in-hand with the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs for over 50 years to share agricultural information with tribal members. With NAAF funding, OSU Warm Springs will facilitate a youth agricultural council focused on tribal agriculture, leadership development and policy creation.
48. Owens Valley Indian Water Commission
Owens Valley Indian Water Commission (OVIWC) works closely and cooperatively with Payahuunadü Tribes on increasing Indigenous farming and ranching in the Owens Valley and Eastern Sierra. With NAAF funding, OVIWC will bolster food sovereignty efforts by hosting fruit tree grafting workshops and expanding the Bishop Tribal Elder’s community garden.
49. Pawnee Nation College
Pawnee Nation College (PNC) seeks to meet the higher educational and cultural needs of the Pawnee Nation, other Indian nations, and the surrounding communities. With NAAF funding, PNC will provide scholarships to Native agricultural students, organize Master Gardener classes and conduct a hemp manufacturing research and analysis program.
Visit their Facebook page here.
Resources from Pawnee Nation College:
a. Admission Information – http://pawneenationcollege.org/admissions/4657520
b. Programs of Study – http://pawneenationcollege.org/student-handbook/4665596
c. Higher Education Program and Tribal Scholarships – https://pawneenation.org/higher-education-program/
50. Quapaw Services Authority
Quapaw Services Authority (QSA) has a strong record of agricultural enterprise development, leading the nation by building the first tribally owned meat processing plant. With NAAF funding, QSA will develop tutorials and a supply rental program for food preservation, establish a seed bank and provide agricultural internships to Native youth.
51. Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Tribe
Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Tribe promotes food sovereignty in their homelands along the Lake Superior shoreline. With NAAF funding, Red Cliff will scale up production at Mino Bimaadiziiwin Farm by constructing a new production and engagement facility and market farm produce through the commercial fish retail facility.
News about Red Cliff:
a. Groundbreaking of Fish-Processing Facility https://www.apg-wi.com/ashland_daily_press/news/local/red-cliff-breaks-ground-on-fish-processing-facility/article_3b7648a4-9067-11ea-98b5-f3b273a352b6.html
b. Expanding Community Food Systems https://www.wpr.org/red-cliff-tribe-awarded-1m-expand-community-food-system
52. Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
Red Lake Nation’s economic base is tied to its land and fisheries. With NAAF funding, Red Lake Nation will partner with Waasabiik Ojibwemotaadiwin Immersion Program on youth agricultural engagement and study the feasibility of hemp production on the reservation for animal feed, human grade consumption and building materials.
Resources from Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians:
a. Planning and Economic Development – https://www.redlakenation.org/planning-and-economic-development/
53. Red Willow Center
Red Willow Center works to reclaim the agricultural heritage of Taos Pueblo and to restore its traditional food systems. With NAAF funding, Red Willow Center will provide business assistance to the Red Willow Farmers Market and technical support to existing farmers while developing an internship program for community youth.
54. Rosebud Economic Development Corporation
Rosebud Economic Development Corporation (REDCO) provides services to Sicangu Lakota Oyate farmers and ranchers across their territory. With NAAF funding, REDCO will make agricultural loans to producers, train beginning farmers through an incubator farm, study organic industrial hemp production, and determine viability for a USDA certified meat processing facility.
55. Robeson Community College
Robeson Community College (RCC) is located in rural southeastern NC, a region with a rich agricultural heritage and vibrant Native population. With NAAF funding, RCC will offer scholarships to students interested in agriculture careers and provide continuing education classes for farmers, ranchers and growers looking to promote their businesses.
56. Rock House Project
Rock House Project is focused on maintaining and protecting the agrarian culture and the physical and spiritual landscape of the Zuni people. With NAAF funding, Rock House Project will serve Zuni farmers and ranchers through a community-wide needs assessment survey, participatory meetings and business plan development trainings.
57. Sac and Fox Nation
Sac and Fox Nation manages a Black Angus cattle herd in their tribal community. With NAAF funding, Sac and Fox will seek to diversify their operation by researching the feasibility of a livestock processing facility and sponsor youth engagement through travel scholarships for national agricultural programs.
58. Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s (SRMT) agriculture program exists to promote a healthier lifestyle for the Akwesasne community through growth of their own food. With NAAF funding, SRMT will obtain architectural and engineering plans for a teaching farm facility on Tribal lands designed to engage future generations in agriculture.
59. San Felipe Pueblo
San Felipe Pueblo provides numerous services to community farmers including field preparation, seeding, cutting, baling, irrigation maintenance and water rights advocacy. With NAAF funding, San Felipe Pueblo will conduct a feasibility study to assess value-added agricultural opportunities on Pueblo farmland and organize a young farmer mentoring program.
Resources from San Felipe Pueblo:
- Department of Natural Resources – https://sfpueblo.com/departments/natural-resources
60. San Xavier Cooperative Association
San Xavier Cooperative Association’s (SXCA) mission emphasizes the respect of land, elders, animals, plants and sacredness of water. With NAAF funding, SXCA will investigate the potential for industrial hemp production in the area through testing agronomic conditions, studying economic feasibility, developing harvesting protocols and establishing relationships with market partners.
61. San Xavier District
San Xavier District is focused on increasing access to fresh, healthy food in their community by promoting agricultural production. With NAAF funding, San Xavier District will develop a local food marketplace that celebrates traditional foods and open the door for business opportunities through Native farmer and rancher outreach and education.
62. Seneca Nation of Indians Economic Development Company
Seneca Nation of Indians Economic Development Company (SNIEDC), a certified Native CDFI, provides loan products and services to Seneca members. With NAAF funding, SNIEDC will start the Agriculture Micro-Lending Incentive Loan Program to provide low-interest, agriculture-related lending and specialized business planning to Native farmers and ranchers.
63. Sitka Tribe of Alaska
Sitka Tribe of Alaska (STA), situated in southeast Alaska, serves their population through harvesting, processing and distributing traditional foods such as salmon, deer and seal. With NAAF funding, STA will expand their existing efforts by hiring a traditional foods assistant, upgrading harvesting equipment and providing new food choices.
News about Sitka Tribe of Alaska:
a. Online Potato Workshop https://www.kcaw.org/2020/04/21/sitka-tribe-forest-service-offer-online-tlingit-potato-workshop/
b. Forest Service Press release https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/tongass/news-events/?cid=FSEPRD619133
c. Tlingit Potato Garden – Culture, Horticulture, Stories, History https://vimeo.com/416075040
d. Planting Tlingit Potatoes – https://vimeo.com/416096301
64. Southern Ute Indian Tribe
Southern Ute Indian Tribe (SUIT) provides a variety of agricultural services to Tribal members including market information, weed management and irrigated cropland rehabilitation. With NAAF funding, SUIT will organize a regional hemp symposium for farmers and business owners interested in this new market opportunity.
65. Spruce Root
Spruce Root supports Alaska Native food producers directly by working with them to develop business plans and financial models. With NAAF funding, Spruce Root will start a food business program for diverse social enterprises based on ethically harvesting wild edible and medicinal forest products and host a networking event.
66. Stockbridge-Munsee Community
Stockbridge-Munsee Community (SMC) provides education and resources to community members interested in agriculture and grows food to build food sovereignty throughout the community. With NAAF funding, SMC will construct a wash and pack facility to help Native producers capture more value from their agricultural products.
67. Suquamish Indian Tribe of the Port Madison Indian Reservation
Suquamish Indian Tribe of the Port Madison Indian Reservation invests heavily in fishery and environmental programs that are central to their cultural ways. With NAAF funding, Suquamish will purchase an oyster scow (boat) to diversify the Tribe’s seafood business and lead to greater financial security for tribal shellfish harvesters.
Resources from Suquamish Indian Tribe of the Port Madison Reservation:
- Fisheries – https://suquamish.nsn.us/home/departments/fisheries/
- Environmental Program – https://suquamish.nsn.us/home/departments/fisheries/environment/
- Natural Resources – https://suquamish.nsn.us/home/departments/natural-resources/
- Suquamish Seafood – https://suquamishseafoods.com/
News Items:
- May Newsletter – https://suquamish.nsn.us/may-suquamish-new-available-now/
Social Media:
68. Swinomish Indian Tribal Community
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, a Coast Salish treaty tribe, is committed to preserving and promoting traditional foods. With NAAF funding, Swinomish Tribe will work to increase access to camas – a perennial plant important to Coast Salish people – by developing a viable strategy for camas bulb production on tribal farmland.
69. Tanka Fund
Tanka Fund’s goal is to convert one million acres of virgin prairie to regenerative agriculture built around a buffalo-based economy. With NAAF funding, Tanka Fund will provide technical assistance to Native buffalo ranchers to create ranch plans, access financing opportunities and explore the value-added agricultural market.
70. The Kohala Center
The Kohala Center has been engaged in agribusiness assistance and adult and youth agriculture education and farmer training programs since 2011. With NAAF funding, Kohala Center will offer technical assistance and business training to Native Hawaiian producers and increase consumption of traditional foods through agricultural education.
71. National Center for American Indian Economic Development
National Center for American Indian Economic Development (NCAIED) is the largest national Native specific business organization in the U.S, with 40 years of experience. With NAAF funds, NCAIED will address Native agricultural business needs by facilitating access to capital, offering workshops, providing coaching, and providing access to online development programs.
72. The Peoples Partner for Community Development
The Peoples Partner for Community Development (PPCD) is a certified Native CDFI serving tribal members on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation. With NAAF funding, PPCD will expand lending capacity and credit builder loan programming and increase availability of financial education for Native farmers and ranchers.
73. Tolani Lake Enterprises
Tolani Lake Enterprises (TLE) is dedicated to strengthening agricultural Navajo and Hopi communities in the Little Colorado River watershed. With NAAF funds, TLE will complete workshops on sheep care, wool processing, traditional and modern meat processing, and product marketing, and create twenty new producers through a sheep gifting program.
74. United South and Eastern Tribes
United South and Eastern Tribes (USET) is an intertribal organization supporting 27 federally recognized tribes from Maine to Florida to Texas. With NAAF funds, USET will study the existing tribal agricultural programs in their area and propose a model for expansion that incorporates feedback from Native producers and other stakeholders.
75. The University of North Carolina at Pembroke
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke (UNCP) – located in the territory of the Lumbee Tribe – helps small businesses start and grow. With NAAF funding, UNCP will increase education for Native producers, study industrial hemp production, and develop a summer outreach program for youth exploring careers in farming and agribusiness.
76. Utah Diné Bikéyah
Utah Diné Bikéyah (UDB) is a nonprofit organization that supports indigenous communities in protecting ancestral lands. With NAAF funds, UDB will deliver technical assistance to upscale the production of traditional Four Corners potatoes and facilitate the funding and planning of community gardens.
77. Utah State University
Utah State University’s (USU) Eastern campus – located 30 miles north of Navajo lands – serves a student base that is 70% Native American. With NAAF funds, USU will help students learn about educational options in agriculture and develop agricultural career plans while increasing the number of Native college students overall.
78. Washington State University
Washington State University (WSU) provides research-based, outreach education to Native agricultural producers and residents of the Colville Indian Reservation. With NAAF funding, WSU will develop community demonstration gardens, teach food safety certification classes and invest in their 4-H program to increase youth interest in agriculture.
79. Wisconsin Tribal Conservation Advisory Council
Wisconsin Tribal Conservation Advisory Council (WTCAC) is a non-profit organization that provides the eleven Tribes in Wisconsin opportunities to achieve conservation-oriented goals. With NAAF funding, WTCAC will provide technical assistance and trainings to improve food systems, increase producer knowledge, enhance food sovereignty, and involve youth in agriculture.
80. Zuni Youth Enrichment Project
Zuni Youth Enrichment Project (ZYEP) recruits Zuni children to learn about their culture and history. With NAAF funding, ZYEP will embark on “Common Ground in Youth Agriculture”, a proposal to support new Zuni farmers by providing agriculture learning opportunities, supporting intergenerational connections and empowering youth-led solutions to water scarcity.